A Big Idea


It’s a new year and with that I need a new challenge. I have been thinking about this idea for a while but only decided to take the jump and do it when meeting up with a mate the other day to talk about all things business (shoutout to Luke at Entheos Media). I mentioned the idea of travelling the country and recording with bands and artists that wouldn’t necessarily get the air time. He suggested travelling by bike and considering that was one of the main factors of setting up the business I thought it would only be right. It got me excited. Very excited. 

I have wanted to do a long cycle ride and so putting the two together seemed like the perfect idea. That was it, the creativity was flowing. 

So, this is what I have so far…

I will cycle a total of 400 miles in 7 days across the UK, stopping off in locations where I will record with musicians. In return, the people I record will ideally fund my accommodation and food. 

While on the road, I intend to have a podcast going live from the bike… that may/will include explicit content… for people to follow my journey and keep me company in my times of need.

I will be filming throughout and producing an edit of my adventure when I get back.

This trip is not just about me putting my body to the test and filming the process, it is a project that will no doubt bring musical people together and promote the ‘pay it forward’ concept. If it doesn’t, I’m sure it will still make for a laugh!

So, here’s where I need your help. 

  • Musicians - I have no route planned as yet. I need suggestions of musicians to hit up and places to cycle through. I want to keep it to the smaller towns and villages as the cities are always buzzing with recording opportunities. 

  • Cycling - Any cycling advice would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been warned I need to invest in some high quality padded shorts.

  • Sponsorship - anyone who wants to sponsor the madness (clothing/equipment/food) give me a shout. I’m going to need all the help I can get! I will tag the brand on socials and in the edit. 

My starting point will be sunny Leeds and from there, who knows?!

I am taking emails at rideordirecordings@gmail.com or you can message me on any of the socials

The blog will be updated while I am planning the trip so you can all see my progress. Let me know your thoughts below.