Ride or D.I.

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Music is Therapy

My brain has been working overtime today, both a good and bad thing. I went on a productive run. I seem to think of the best ideas while I’m asleep or while I’m running, very inconvenient as there is never a pen and paper close by in either situation.

After a stressful day, I got home feeling not so great. The first thing I did was vent to a mate (very important) and then I picked up my guitar. As soon as I strummed the strings I felt happier. Yes, it is as cheesy as it sounds but it was a form of therapy, as if my head had opened like pandora’s box and emptied its contents.

Even if you don’t play or class yourself as musical, it’s a similar feeling when you listen to your favourite songs or albums. There is a song for every emotion and we sometimes take that for granted.

Back to the productive running thoughts, I have decided to do a ‘Album of the Week’ feature. These days, a lot of us stream music and are listening to playlists. This is good to expand your knowledge on a range of music but means people are less invested in the artists. I remember going to HMV, back in the day, to buy a CD with my pocket money. I would listen to the album on repeat until I bought another one. I am setting myself the challenge because I too am guilty of only listening to single tracks meaning the rest of the album get neglected… and we can’t have that!

The ‘Album of the Week’ feature is purely my opinion so if you don’t agree with it, don’t worry you might like the next week’s choice!

Sunset ft. Houses

(I managed to somehow delete this whole blog so this is the 2.0 version….rookie error.)